About Us
Ebenezer means "stone of help" (thus far the Lord has helped us). Our church is here to help.
Reformed means we are constantly being renewed by our increasing obedience to God's Word.
Church is not a building, but a community of faith dedicated to proclaiming the Gospel of Christ.
Church Staff:
J. T. Bean
Lead Pastor
Sue Bond
Office Manager
2024 Consistory
J. T. Bean (Pastor), Ken Jansma (Vice President),
Barney Habben, Keith Hamstra, Martha Kophamer, Jan Renkes​
Marcia Blean, Scott Meurs, Jenny Patton
Pat Pessman, Dave Weber, Nancy Weber
Ebenezer Reformed Church of Morrison, IL
is affiliated with the Reformed Church in America
office hours
Monday thru Friday
9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
office phone #
(815) 772-2472
Properties Manager
Bob Wiersema
Courtney Bruckner
Marilyn Tichler
Tech Consultant
William Patton
Finance Secretary
Nancy Weber